This is a collection of my best work and open source projects I have contributed to.
(PS. The title’s are links. Click on them!)
R Masterclass
Conducted an online class via Training Ground Guru, a site focused on the latest developments in the professional football world.
- The class introduced participants to R and RStudio and showed how they can be used with football event data.
- Interactive follow-along session over Zoom that lasted over 2 hours and 30 minutes.
- Live class attended by several individuals including hobbyists and data professionals working in the football industry.
An analysis and visualization R package that works with publicly available soccer data.
- Authored 5 functions and contributed additional features to an extra 3 functions while working with other contributors as an open source project. Functions are compatible with JSON data and specific APIs while also supporting the use of web scraped data.
- Helped create an official landing page with GitHub Pages that experiences an average of 800+ views and 100+ unique visitors per week. Initial release and updates invite upwards of 1000+ views on the package.
- Created the ggshakeR library, a secondary website with articles and a helper code base pertaining to the usage of R in sports analytics.
Player Finishing Overview
- Interactive web app that generates a dashboard of visualizations that can be useful in getting an overview of a football player’s finishing ability.
- Deployed using on free tier.
- Link to the GitHub repo so that the app can be deployed on local system.
Squad Composition App
- Interactive web app that creates a visualization depicting the composition of squads in top European leagues.
- Deployed using on free tier.
- Link to the GitHub repo so that the app can be deployed on local system.
Clustering soccer passes using k-means
- Clustered football player passes using the k-means algorithm. The data from the StatsBomb open dataset.
- Created two different designs of plots, inspired by work seen on twitter.
xG Model
Created an xG model in R using tidymodels.
- xG Model using Understat data. Variables used included shot distance, angle as well as the body part used to take the shot.
Shot Centrality
- A project to quantitatively determine the closeness and centrality of a shot to the centre of the goal.
- This works on Understat shot event data and uses the method of standard deviation from a set point to derive the values.
Community Help
- I have been a regular member of the football/soccer analytics community on twitter, regularly making my code to make visualizations open source.
- Here are two repositories with code to create football specific visualizations :-
- Here is a repository that shows the implementation of machine learning techniques in R.